Caring for your Dragon Dildo
A dragon dildo remains one of the best sex toys to have in your possession. However, taking good care of this dildo is necessary for good health and personal hygiene. We will discuss how you can take good care of your dragon dildo to make it last longer.
How to keep your dragon dildo in great condition
All dragon dildos are made to be durable and long lasting, they aren't immune to issues if neglected. Dragon dildoes are made with premium platinum silicone, a very soft material, and as such they should be handled with care. When using dragon dildos, you must avoid puncturing them with teeth, nails or other sharp objects. A little tear can cause great damage to the sex toy.
Keeping the dragon dildos clean
A crucial aspect of taking care of the dragon dildo is understanding how to clean it properly. If you refuse to clean the dragon dildo, it will become dirty and be prone to unhealthy bacteria. You might catch an infection next time you have a sexual encounter with the dragon dildo.
However, all these can be prevented when you know how to properly clean a dragon dildo. Users should also make it a habit to take care of all their sex toys by cleaning and sanitizing them.
Materials needed to take care of your dragon dildo?
Soap and water remain your best choice if you want a fast surface clean for your dragon dildo. To deep clean; choose between a bleaching solution and boiling water. This might take as much as 10 minutes. The deep cleaning method ensures that your sex toy is hygienically clean and free from germs and bacteria.
Using a dishwasher to clean dragon dildos is another option. This is because it has a heated water cycle which has proven to be effective when cleaning. You don't need to use dishwasher soap when cleaning because it has some very acidic content.
Keeping a dragon dildo with cumtube clean
It is important to take care of your cumtube because when it becomes clogged, it might affect you when you need them most. Cleaning a cumtube is pretty simple as the basic thing needed is warm soapy water. It's also possible to use a diluted bleach method to clean out your cumtube if you want a great result. Ensure that you rinse well with warm water after using the other cleaning solutions.
How to keep your dragon dildo safely
Although you can store platinum silicone without worrying about corrosion we recommend storing separately. Keeping your dragon dildos in a safe place will remove the chance of several problems such as :
Damaged silicone
Bad odor
Bad shaped
Change in color
Of this happens, your dragon dildo is no longer fit to use.
To keep your dragon dildo safe, put them in a different place to stop them from mixing. You can use a bag, or a personal microfiber bag for your dragon dildo to ensure adequate protection.
The ideal lubricants for your dragon dildo
There are several lubes that are good for your sex toys and animal dildos. Don't use silicone-based lubes because they aren't good for your dildos and can cause harm to the material. If a silicone-based lubricant is all you have, do a patch test on your dragon dildo to know its impact. Check out our Dragon Jizz cum lubricant.
Taking good care of your dragon dildo increases the lifespan of your toy, and protects users from catching infections.